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Let Peace Begin With Me

In John 14:27, Jesus tells his disciples (and us), "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."*

When my sons were young, my home did not have peace.

My heart did not have peace.

My heart was troubled by the mom I had become,

and I was afraid of who my children would grow up to be if something didn't change. 

By the grace of God,

I discovered peaceful parenting;

and I began parenting this way in earnest when my sons were 9 and 5 years old.

And my relationship with my children was transformed. 

Peace needed to begin with me. 

The purpose of this blog is to help peaceful parenting be accessible to other Catholic parents who are striving to raise their children with the same love and compassion with which our dear Lord shows us.


I am glad you are here. 

May Christ's Peace be with you. 

"Let Peace Begin With Me" is taken from:


by Sy Miller and Jill Jackson

Copyright © 1955, Renewed 1983, by Jan-Lee Music (ASCAP)

All Rights Reserved. Reprinted by permission. International copyright secured.

Catholic Peaceful Parent

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About Me

Hi! I'm Meg, and I'm glad that you're here. 

The seed for this blog was planted years ago, as my dear mom neared the end of her earthly days and began spontaneously singing, 'Let There Be Peace on Earth.' God put on my heart to write a blog with the theme 'Let Peace Begin with Me' because peace was beginning with me in my home. 

Home: About Me

Then & Now - Our Tone Matters

Tone can make a huge difference in our relationships... The difference between barking an order and inviting cooperation is significant…

Then & Now - Frustration to Compassion

It could have been a bad night if I had chosen to act differently in that moment. Thankfully I chose compassion over frustration.

Then & Now - Listening and Empathy

He really wanted to help. He was given a task and wanted to be helpful. His brother took that away from him, and that was disappointing.

Then & Now - From Yelling to Listening

But the truth is, I ended up saving time by supporting my boy as he worked through his feelings rather than trying to get him to get over it

Then & Now - Sassy Tone

This was a breakthrough - I was able to correct him without making him feel bad even though I was exhausted!

Listening is Essential

It is worth it to stop and to listen to our children. It is respect. It is connection. It is an investment.

Then & Now - Blame

Taking blame out of my interactions with my oldest has made a world of difference when it comes to conflicts or potential conflicts.

What about tantrums/meltdowns?

When we hold loving limits  or when disappointments happen or when our kiddos are exhausted/hungry/frustrated… tears and tantrums can occur

Then & Now - Misbehavior and Regret

I came to peaceful parenting a bit later in my parenting journey (when my boys were about 9 and 5), so I sometimes like to share...

Too busy to connect!!

I hate busy. I resent busy. I am not who I want to be when I am busy. I am short. I am rushed. I am stressed and not relaxed. I am not...

What about natural consequences?

Sometimes people will ask things like, “What should be the natural consequence for xyz?” The natural consequence is what happens without...

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Please feel free to connect with me through email or on Facebook. I look forward to hearing from you. -Meg

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